Dose Coefficients for External Exposures to Environmental Sources

Draft document: Dose Coefficients for External Exposures to Environmental Sources
Submitted by Ichiro Yamaguchi, National Institute of Public Health
Commenting as an individual


  • According to “General Safety Requirements Part 3 (IAEA)”, reference levels for exposure of a member of the public in existing exposure situations after a nuclear or radiological emergency are provided as the residual dose. Therefore, consideration on differences of background radiation level for each place became an actual matter for dose estimation. So that description on subtraction of background radiation would be informative even though the conversion coefficients for radiological protection quantities for external radiation exposures due to accidentally released radionuclides to the environment are independent from background radiation.  


  • Effective dose rate coefficients for monoenergetic electron sources distributed at the surface as a ground plane source are shown graphically in Fig. 6.7, indicating some inconsistent magnitude relationship among age groups for different energy. Therefore, a brief explanation on this would be expected at item 101 of section 6.2. 


  • To think about public health activities for mitigation of radiation exposures from accumulated radionuclides in the environmental media such as at roof or in a street gutter, indicated concept in this draft should be also useful for estimation of risk reduction. Therefore, practical applications would be good for mentioning.


  • Since dose limit for the lens of the eyes has become same level with effective dose for workers, issues on conversion coefficients to the lens of the eyes from sources might be worth highlighting as Alex pointed out.

